Carynx at the Game Diner in St Moritz, Switzerland
Every December, the annual Game Dinner takes place at Badrutt’s Palace Hotel, in St Moritz, Switzerland. The dinner marks the end of the hunting season when nearly 6,000 hunters ensure the game population in the Canton of Graubünden, Switzerland, is maintained in a sustainable way.
Carynx was invited to exhibit its collection of Highland Stag champagne coolers, giving guests the opportunity to order our hand-crafted works of art that aptly commemorate the hunting season and the celebratory Game Dinner.
Dr Georg Brosi and three further speakers entertained guests and led discussion on issues affecting hunting in Graubünden.
The Carynx Highland Stag champagne coolers perfectly complemented the traditional, wood-panelled décor of the hotel and added to the grand atmosphere of the dinner.